
Welcome to the Indypendent Studios blog. Here you will get exclusive information and updates on our work.

My YouTube page is here.

Our new series "Lost Liberty" is under way!

Here is my email: paperbeaver@yahoo.com Email me if you have a question that you cannot easily find out, or if you just want to contact me to talk then feel free as long as it is a well written email. No abbreviations, and use proper grammar.

Also ideas would be excellent! Send us your ideas or suggestions to help us out. Anything to contribute would be greatly appreciated!

Feb 17, 2010

Episode 3 Is Going Up

Well Episode 3 was up for a short time but when it was uploading to YouTube, it somehow had a sound split that was off from the video by about a secong and a half...count that, that's a HUGE split. So I took it down.

I will go up again tomorrow afternoon so stay tuned 'till then. What I will probably focus on next is trying to kick off an Marines short because I've been wanted to do a few skits for a while. Plus I have an idea for a little comedy short video that rips off a bunch of TV shows like That 70s Show, King of the Hill, South Park, and Whose Line Is It Anyway?.

Don't worry, I have already got the first half of the script for Episode 4 completed and I hope we don't take six months to get it done but at any rate, I will have more things up soon.

Thanks, Indy.

P.S. I will also post audio commentarys of Episodes 1 - 3 which are already done and I will begin a short little tutorial called "How To Make An Action Movie" now that I have some work to back up my advice. (And YES it is inspired off of "DigitalPh33r's Guide To Making Halo 3 Machinima" but it will take a totally different path of it's own...because it's not machinima)