
Welcome to the Indypendent Studios blog. Here you will get exclusive information and updates on our work.

My YouTube page is here.

Our new series "Lost Liberty" is under way!

Here is my email: paperbeaver@yahoo.com Email me if you have a question that you cannot easily find out, or if you just want to contact me to talk then feel free as long as it is a well written email. No abbreviations, and use proper grammar.

Also ideas would be excellent! Send us your ideas or suggestions to help us out. Anything to contribute would be greatly appreciated!

Aug 28, 2010


First, we posted a trailer for our Lost Liberty parody "Rebel Pool Party"

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZettOYyO_E

As you read this, I am editing what footage I have for a little action scene to throw at you called "E.Z" which should be out in maybe a week or so.

Now the reason why this post is titled WTF!? is because I downloaded the song "Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums" recently. Awesome song, if you haven't heard it, you ought to go and listen to it. It has a bunch of rock and concert percussion instruments and a deep electric undertone throughout. Just now though I watched the music video that Emotive made for the song and it was a huge letdown.

It's a pretty cheap cartoon showing I think George Bush Sr. and how the republicans see the American people as just sheep with numbers and that kind of stuff. Interesting message they're trying to convey but the delivery was terrible. Hardly any shot or action lined up with the song's tempo, and with a song with a strong pulse like that should have solid shots to line up to. But the cartoon was mediocre and the mood of that song just seemed so out of place.

My solution? Since Episodes 4 and 5 of Lost Liberty are taking so long to organize and film, I've decided to make a trailer for those two (kind of like a season trailer for an actual series even though this is a mini series). The trailer will mainly feature a new soldier class for the rebels that will be introduced in 4 and 5 called the Vanguards. The Vanguards have special training and wear all black instead of woodland camo pants and also wear a black skirt from the waist down (go look at some special Clone Troopers from Star Wars to see what I mean). They are the Delta Force/SAS/Spetznaz equivalent to the rebels and are a tough match against the US forces.

So we will begin filming clips for that after school as much as possible so stay tuned for E.Z. and the 4 and 5 Vanguard trailer.


Aug 23, 2010

We're not dead yet.

Wutsup. Yeah, thought I'd post. I've got friends now forcing me to so yeah.

Quick update here, we filmed a short independent action scene about a commando team that get have to fight for their lives. The footage looks really cool so this should be a fun one. Give me a couple weeks maybe and this should be up with effects and all. Also Keenan typed up a possible trailer for a Lost Liberty parody called "Rebel Pool Party"...yeah. So stay tuned for that, it's going to be hilarious.


Aug 3, 2010



So days when I'm REALLY bored and don't have really any Lost Liberty stuff to do (or if I whip out my good ol' procrastination skills), I started making video game stuff. I'm teaming with two other guys in the clan (TacOps) that I'm in and we started busting out some gameplay stuff on Battlefield: Bad Company 2. So far there is a little teaser video for something we're working on, and one of the guys, Bluehay, posted a really nice montage with the song TNT under it.

Here's the link to the new YouTube page we made for it: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheTacOpsClan

So subscribe and keep in touch with our gamer side.
